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The Next Level of Run Specialty Retail

Unite your Run Free Project online store with our cloud POS and offer customers a seamless memorable experience.

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Combined benefits include:

  • Multi-channel solution
  • Seamless sync of orders and inventory
  • Measure success with powerful reporting
  • Customized branding
  • Connected customer profiles

Everything you need to drive your retail business.


Order Management

Distributed order management allows you to optimize inventory across all channels in real time, reaching customers where and how they shop and boosting efficiency.


Inventory Management

Transfers. Cycle counts. Point-in-time inventory values. Know exactly how much you own across stores and channels in real time, ultimately increasing sell-through and margin.


Customer Management

Encourage loyalty and empower your staff to engage every customer personally through data-rich clienteling dashboards and best-in-class marketing integrations.


Purchasing & Receiving

Build customized purchase orders that suit your business, use key features to enforce accuracy when shipments are received and view real-time alerts right on your dashboard.


Powerful Reporting

Use custom fields to collect the data most relevant to your business. Stay agile, pivot quickly and gain a competitive edge with custom reports and data-driven insight.


Designed for Growth

Whether you are expanding to multiple stores or adding e-commerce, Heartland Retail's flexible POS platform was designed to scale alongside your retail business.


Make It Your Own

Heartland Retail's custom fields and reports allow you to track any data you want. Plus, with our open API, developers can easily build custom apps or integrations.


Bring Your Data With You

It's easy to migrate your historical data from your previous POS system into Heartland Retail. Easily upload the data yourself, or let us do the work for you.


No Upgrades

With Heartland Retail's cloud-based Retail Management Platform, you're always up to date with the latest features. No more painful and expensive upgrades.